Winamp Skinner

Since we’re on the topic of Windows apps, might as well put little ‘ol Winamp Skinner up here, for anyone that uses the little powerhouse audio playing software. If I still had a windows computer, Winamp would be one of the first apps to be installed, hands down.

Winamp Skinner lives up to its name: It lets of us who are either too busy or too lazy (ME) to do all the coding/editing necessary to make a winamp skin on our own. It’s as easy as 1,2,3!

  1. Choose an image and open it up. You get to pick between v2. and v3. winamp GUI.
  2. Edit the text, colors, settings and the like.
  3. Save your new skin and use it!
Questions? Leave me a comment and i’ll get right on that.

Download: (Freeware)